Our Progress
Follow along as we build PATH@1919. We’ll provide construction updates, information from our partners, and other information about our path forward.
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Virtual Ribbon Cutting
Summer 2021: PATH to host its ribbon cutting event–more information coming soon!
Additional RACP Grant
December 2020: PATH awarded an additional $1 million from the Commonwealth’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).
Business Planning
September 2020: With funding from the Philadelphia Repositioning Fund, PATH and its partner organizations began to plan how the organizations provide seamless service integration and co-location at PATH@1919.
Community Needs Assessment
March 2020: PATH, with funding from the Philadelphia Foundation, conducted a Community Needs Assessment that includes a demographic profile of its intended catchment area and an asset map.
Groundbreaking Celebration Event
November 2019: PATH partner organizations and project supporters participated in a groundbreaking celebration event held at the construction site. Click here to read The Northeast Times article published about the event.
PATH Awarded Up To $9 Million In New Markets Tax Credit Transaction
November 2019: Governor Wolf announced that Commonwealth Cornerstone Group has completed a New Markets Tax Credit transaction of up to $9 million with PATH to help centralize operations at 1919 Cottman Avenue. Click here to read Governor Wolf’s press release.
PATH@1919 Real Estate Settlement/Financial Closing
November 2019: Real Estate Settlement/Financial Closing finalized.
PATH Awarded $2 Million in RACP
August 2019: PATH awarded $2 million from the Commonwealth’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP).
PATH@1919 Partners Announced
July 2019: Nine non-profit partners have expressed intent to join PATH@1919.
Construction Begins
July 2019: PATH begins the first phase of demolition and remediation at PATH@1919.